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  • 寿司之神


  • 夏加尔与马列维奇

    Leonid Bichevin,Anatoli Belyj,Semyon Shkalikov,Dmitri Astrakhan,Aleksey Ovsyannikov,列昂尼德·比切文,Anatoliy Belyy,阿纳托利·比利,克里斯蒂娜·施奈德,塞缅·斯卡利科夫,德米特里·阿斯特拉罕,西蒙·特列斯库诺夫,谢尔盖·米吉斯科,菲利普·日洛巴,尼基塔·沃尔科夫

  • 火力全开 2017


  • 孔子


《威猛乐队 Wham》内容简介
An intimate celebration of George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley’s enduring friendship, from childhood and through their years together as one of the UK’s biggest bands. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Michael and Ridgeley met at school in Bushy, near the town of Watford. They first formed the ska band The Executive before going on to release their first single as Wham!, Wham Rap! in June 1982. Success wasn’t immediate, but when it finally came, the pair crested a wave of success that continued until their farewell concert, The Final, at Wembley Stadium in June 1986. Chris Smith’s hugely entertaining film offers full and unprecedented access to the band’s archive, including unseen footage and interviews with the duo. The result is a nuanced portrait of an enduring friendship and a joyous musical travelogue.